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Friday, December 23, 2011

Badminton Jerseys

Hi girls,

After weeks of discussion and numbers crunching... we've finally settled on our Jerseys for 2012!!!

Here's how it works... school policy is that students have to co-pay a certain amount for jerseys.
So after working out the budgeting, and doing some adjustment to subsidise as much as we can, here's what we'll be getting:

Everyone will have to pay $12 for jersey purchase (including printing)

ALL Badminton Members
will be getting:

School Team players 
(12 from B-Team, 12 from C-Team) will have an additional:

An exciting thing to look out for is that ALL our sports CCAs will now "sport" on their backs a common name:

Let's all work together to build up our excellent TEAM SAC sporting spirit in 2012 =)

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